Video-Chat Consultation
How to apply / Process
  • or
    Choose the type of counseling
  • Write
  • Deliver Information
  • Consultation
Select the type of counseling (phone/video), input reservation date and time.
We will inform you about the consultation through the contact information of the reservation
  • Phone Consultationafter applying, the person in charge will inform you before reservation time.
  • Video Consultationafter applying, the person in charge will inform you before reservation time.
    The zoom link of the video consultation, and password will be given and enter the meeting on the consultation time.

All type of the consultation is based on Korean local time.
Please fill out the information of the reservation accurately.

Consultation Type
Consultation Language
Consultation Date (reserve the date for 2 weeks period from today except for the weekends and holidays)
Consultation Reservation Time (within 30 minutes of consultation time * on Korean local time)
Consultation Reservation Information
Name *
Contact *
E-mail *
Inquiries *
Terms and Conditions

해당 업체관련 내용 입력이 필요합니다. 관리자페이지 운영정책에서 수정이 가능합니다.

예시 내용의 HTML 마크업을 준수해주시기 바랍니다.(영문)

제00조 제목입력

  1. 상세내용 1번줄

  2. 상세내용 2번줄

  3. 상세내용 3번줄

제00조 제목입력

  1. 상세내용 1번줄

  2. 상세내용 2번줄

  3. 상세내용 3번줄


본 약관은 2022년 1월 1일부터 적용합니다.