About us
Since its foundation, Apollo has been growing up into honest and trusted by constant research and development
Moreover, Apollo develops products as comprehensive household products and agricultural equipment manufacturers as well as a total packaging specialized in cosmetic and pharmaceuticals and established R&D center to concentrate on developing unique and creative products.
With 45 years of technical innovation and know-how, Apollo became one of the top facility to produce the products such as foaming, dispenser, mist and trigger.
In addition, based on steady trust by supplying the high quality of ultra-fine spray to domestic and global companies around the world. By supplying products to global companies around the world, we are continuing to grow in value based on the trust.
Finally, Apollo promises to strive to provide the value and beautiful world for customers in a perpetual era.
Apollo’s promises
  • Creative
    In respect to customer’s opinion with challenging and creative thoughts, we promises to improve the quality of the product with a creative thinking.
  • Challenge
    We promise to bring joy to all customers with constant efforts and progressive challenges to develop leading products.
  • Honest
    we provide excellent quality and design, various design of the products, reasonable price and we promise to approach customers as an honest company by the customer’s requirement and problem solving.
We promise to continue to be Apollo as trustworthy and honest
All Employee

Apollo has been developing and researching the products within rapidly market in trust with customers and provides excellent-quality products through continuous research and development.

  • Collaboration with customer
  • Eco-friendly Product
  • Innovation Technology
  • Excellent Quality